Dr Hervin Fernandez Aceves

Honorary Researcher

Research Overview

My range of teaching and research interests that lie at the intersection of social sciences, politics, digital humanities, and history. I have published works in English and Spanish investigating aristocratic power, prosopography, digital humanities, and the socio-political history of the medieval Mediterranean, including my monograph County and Nobility in Norman Italy (London, 2020) – where I explain the shifting composition of the nobility in southern Italy and offer a new understanding of how territorial leaderships operated under the Sicilian kingdom. My broader research interests include cultural history, rural societies, archaeology, sociological theories, and humanities outreach.

Medieval book festival

Mediterráneo a través de los siglos: las expresiones culturales como resistencia histórica
Invited talk

Rome Award
Fellowship awarded competitively

Election to learned society

National Researcher Candidate
National/international honour

  • Centre for War and Diplomacy