Your Natural Sciences Offer

Congratulations on your offer. We hope to see you at one of our offer holder events. Take a look at some course info below and hear from our students.

Students working in the biology labs

Join us

Our in-person and online events are a great way to find out more about your course, the community you'll be studying in, and they are an opportunity to meet staff and students, and experience subject taster sessions. Natural Sciences student Ella talks about her experiences and hopes that you can make it!

Your offer holder event

When you receive your personal email invitation, you can register for our exclusive offer holder event to find out about your Natural Sciences degree and the many pathways you can choose from. We’ll cover the different modules available to you; how you can choose to spend a year studying abroad; and how we prepare you for your career with the option of taking a placement year.

You can also chat with our students and academics to get a feel for the community you’ll become a part of.

Look out for your personal letter with a booking link and more information.

The dates

  • Saturday 17th February 2024
  • Saturday 9th March 2024
  • Saturday 23rd March 2024
  • Saturday 27th April 2024

What can you expect from an Offer Holder Event?

  • Meet Natural Science academic staff
  • Learn about Natural Science degree programme
  • Get to meet current students
  • Learn about where Natural Science can take you

Book your offer holder event

Click the link below to search for your offer holder event and book your place.

Offer holder events

Explore Natural Sciences in depth

Choose from our Pathways

A Natural Sciences degree allows you to choose up to 3 different Pathways from the subject areas below. Each subject area can contain more than one Pathway. Each of these Pathways then offers a mix of core modules, and optional modules, allowing you to create a truly unique degree programme that best suits your interests and talents.


Trudy Tucker

A community for Trudy

Studying Natural Sciences at Lancaster University was the best decision I could have made when picking my course. While at school, I always considered myself as a future scientist rather than say an organic chemist or geneticist, and Natural Sciences at Lancaster has allowed me to do just that. The breadth of knowledge I built in my first two years helped me learn what my biggest interests are, and I have been able to tailor my degree to focus on these in my last two years with a level of flexibility that not many other universities offer. The Natural Sciences departmental staff have been so helpful and supportive, and I feel like advice is readily available whenever I ask for it.

My favourite thing about studying in Lancaster is the diversity of students. Having moved from London, I was not sure whether I would still be surrounded by as great a diversity of people, but my flat in first year had people from 5 different continents! It's been so interesting being able to share foods and languages and it really does feel like I am part of an international community.

By auditing modules in other departments, while formally studying sciences I am still able to engage myself in other subjects I enjoy such as English Literature so as to not diminish my involvement in them. I can access the same material as someone formally studying it and pick up many transferable skills along the way. Attending career talks organised within Uni have made me start thinking about combining these and pursuing scientific communications, a field I did not realise existed before.

Trudy Tucker, BSc Hons Natural Sciences

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