Talks arising from the project

Find about some of the talks given by the project's researchers.

If you are interested in talks and seminars about our research, you can find a list here. We spoke at academic seminars targeting researchers and at events for policymakers and stakeholders. We are keen to engage with a variety of audiences interested in edtech in higher education.

  • 25.8.2023. European Education Research Association – ECER, 2023 (Glasgow, UK): Capitalising the future of higher education: investors in education technology and the case of Emerge Education. (Komljenovic).
  • 24.8.2023. European Education Research Association – ECER, 2023 (Glasgow, UK): Value(s) of EdTech in Higher Education: synergies and discrepancies between universities, EdTech companies and investors. (Komljenovic).
  • 10.6.2023. Boston College, USA: Panel presentation and discussion: Existential threats to higher education around the world. (Komljenovic)
  • 14.4.2023. University of Bristol, UK: Digital asset-making in the global higher education sector. (Komljenovic)
  • 12.4.2023. British Sociological Association annual conference, Manchester, UK: Panel discussion ‘Thinking Sociologically About Educational Technology: Giving Voice to Future Action’. (Komljenovic)
  • 22.2.2023. Comparative and international education society (CIES) annual conference: Assetization of digital disruption in higher education. (Komljenovic).
  • 2022. Research Platform: Governance of Digital PracticesLecture Series, University of Vienna, Austria. There are no markets anymore: From neoliberalism to Big Tech (Birch)
  • 2022. Accounting & Finance Research Workshop, University of Waterloo, Canada. Assetization as a mode of governance (Birch)
  • 2022 Keynote talk at Digitalizing Welfare, Outsourcing Responsibility Conference, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The strange futures of digital assetization (Birch)
  • 2022 Malmo University Symposium, Sweden. Assetization as a mode of governance (Birch)
  • 11.-13.10.2022 Malmo University, Sweden: Research symposium on assetization (invitation only). The (im)possibility of digital disruption of higher education (Komljenovic)
  • 29.9.2022. Center for Higher Education at TU Dortmund, Germany: Summer School in Higher Education Research and Science Studies (HERSS). Workshop 5: Digital higher education: platformization, privatisation and a new governance model (Komljenovic)
  • 26.9.2022. Policy Futures International Webinar Series, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University. The (im)possibility of digital disruption of higher education (Komljenovic)
  • 7.7.2022. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) annual conference. Emerging Big EdTech: disrupting education and assetising learning. (Komljenovic).
  • 5.7.2022, Higher Education Close-Up (HECU) conference Keynote talk. Lancaster University. Higher education industry expansion: commodification versus assetisation (Komljenovic)
  • 24.6.2022. NORRAG (Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training) and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education hosted by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) organised an online side event to the Human Rights Council on 24 June 2022. Contribution on assetisation in digital higher education (Komljenovic)
  • 2021 Department of Science & Technology Studies, University of Vienna, Austria. Assetization as a techno-economic mode of governance: Unpacking the transformation of digital data into an asset (Birch)
  • 2021 Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Concordia University, Canada. Venture capital as a mode of valuation: Stories, hi-tech financing, and a reflexive turn in ‘expectations studies’ (Birch)
  • 2021 Platform Economy Research Network, The New York, USA. Technoscientific capitalism and rentiership (Birch)
  • 2021 Trajectories of Big Data Platforms Workshop, University of Edinburgh, UK. Data as asset (Birch)
  • 9.12.2021. Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) annual conference. Universities and unicorns: how are (education) technology companies making digital data valuable. (Hansen).
  • 9.12.2021. Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) annual conference. Universities and Unicorns: Mapping Financial Investment Flows in Higher Education Technology. (Komljenovic).
  • 9.12.2021. Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) annual conference. Universities and Unicorns: Investigating the Digital Transformation of Higher Education in the UK. (Sellar).
  • 9.12.2021. Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) annual conference. Universities and ‘Unicorns’: A Critical Analysis of Investors’ Discourse of the Rise of Educational Technologies Within the COVID-19 Pandemic Context. (Mármol Queraltó).
  • 24.11.2021. University of South Africa, Academic Development Open Virtual Hub (ADOVH). Digital technology in higher education: platformization, privatisation and new governance models (Komljenovic)
  • 19.11.2021. Infoclio, Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, Bern, Switzerland. Digital higher education: platformisation, privatisation and new governance models (Komljenovic).
  • 6.10.2021. Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance and Privacy (CRISP), University of Stirling. Digital rentiership in higher education: the future of personal data governance (Komljenovic).
  • 24.9.2021. Centre for Higher Education Futures (Aarhus University) and Critical Higher Education research group (University of Cambridge). The digital: new wave of privatisation of universities (Komljenovic).
  • 29.6.2021. Bristol Conversations seminar series, University of Bristol. Universities and unicorns: mappings and trends of investments in higher education technology (Komljenovic and Sellar).
  • 22.6.2021. Research seminar, Lancaster University. Universities and unicorns: the discursive construction of digital higher education by financial investors (Komljenovic and Mármol Queraltó).
  • 17.6.2021. European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education, ESSDE (European Trade Union Committee for Education, ETUCE, and the European Federation of Education Employers, EFEE). Evidence for the Higher Education Working Group. Digital rentiership in education and what it means for higher education institutions, staff and students (Komljenovic).
  • 16.6.2021. Research seminar, University of Edinburgh. Universities and unicorns: the discursive construction of digital higher education by financial investors (Komljenovic and Mármol Queraltó).
  • 9.6.2021. Research seminar, University of Durham. Emerging digital rentiership in higher education: digital platforms, digital data and rents (Komljenovic).
  • 26.5.2021. National symposia on Learning Analytics in Higher Education. The Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology, University of Bergen, Norway (part of mandate of the national centre for Learning Analytics). Title: Emerging education rentiership: digital platforms, digital data and rents (Komljenovic).
  • 23.4.2021. Ideas Lab seminar series, University of Cambridge. Digital rentiership and assetisation in higher education (Komljenovic).
  • 30.3.2021. Universities of Agder (Norway), Aarhus (Denmark) and KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden). Talk at the event: Understanding Digital Transformations of Higher Education Teaching and Learning in the Nordics and Beyond. Title: Universities and unicorns: building digital assets in the higher education industry (Komljenovic and Sellar).
  • 3.2.2021. Seminar at the Centre of Education and Policy Analysis (CEPA), Liverpool Hope University. Universities and unicorns: building digital assets in the higher education industry (Sellar and Komljenovic).
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