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Digital accessibility regulations

Digital accessibility regulations are in force for public sector websites and apps.

What do the regulations mean?

Lancaster University has to meet the requirements of the Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations (PSBAR). This means that our websites and mobile apps need to be accessible. This includes information, applications, services and content.

We all have a responsibility to make sure the University meets them, and we may be breaking the law if our websites or apps don’t. If you use a computer as part of your role this will almost certainly have implications for the way you work.

About the accessibility regulations
Student using mobile phone

What do you do?

Quick links - how to create accessible content

All digital content should be me made accessible from the outset – even if you aren’t intending to upload it to the Web. Go to Creating accessible resources or use the quick links below:

Member of staff using computer

Training and getting help

For a better understanding of your legal obligations for the production of accessible documents and resources, you should take our Creating Accessible Resources online course.

The course should take 1-2 hours to complete.

Tools to help you

There are a variety of tools that you can use to test accessibility: