Finding a Part-time Job at Lancaster

By Michael Robson, January 2023

Following the excitement brought on by Christmas and the immense challenge of settling into University in the fall, the new term is perhaps a better time than any to begin looking for work. For many of you, this could be the first time you’ve ever had a part-time job: the process of finding employment, attending interviews, and balancing your work alongside your studies can seem rather imposing. As somebody who’s had to do so already, I’ll admit that it can be quite challenging at points! But there are some things you should consider in order to make finding and maintaining a part-time job at Lancaster that little bit easier.

Tips and resources

Create a well-organised, clear CV

The CV not only serves to communicate your skills and qualifications to a potential employer, but can also demonstrate your attention to detail and confidence in your abilities through its presentation. There are likely to be multiple applicants for any given role you apply for - employers, therefore, will be reading many CVs over a short period of time. Make sure yours stands out!

Utilise the University’s Employment and Recruitment Service (ERS)

The Employment and Recruitment Service is an invaluable resource for job listings based within the university, as well as holding many useful articles providing advice on all parts of the recruitment process. Not all of the positions listed are part-time - even so, many are very well suited to the requirements of students. Even if you aren’t considering applying for a role through this service, I highly recommend that anyone looking for a part-time job during their studies at least take a cursory glance at the wealth of assets available there.

Apply for multiple positions at once

Just as employers are often considering multiple applicants to fill a single vacancy, you should also consider multiple roles in the process of application. Although you may have found your dream position with one business, it is an unfortunate reality sometimes that the role may not fall to you - especially for a popular job. It’s far easier to avoid disappointment by applying for multiple jobs. If you happen to have been accepted for more than one position, then you’re simply lucky enough to take the time to select your ideal position!

Prepare thoroughly for the interview process

Ultimately, this is often the most difficult portion of applying for a job. Not all positions will require you to undergo an interview - however, many roles will typically require you to have some form of interview. It can be stressful, but the key is to prepare suitably for the interview beforehand. Simple things like understanding the job specification and the attributes the employers have stated a preference for in the role’s description will not only give you the knowledge needed to excel within the interview, but also boost your confidence and alleviate much of the initial stress.

Balance your studies and work appropriately

Congratulations! You created a fantastic CV, aced the interview, and have accepted the position. All that’s left to do is to begin work in your new role. The challenge now exists in suitably balancing your newfound commitment to your work and your academic studies - and, in all honesty, this is not always easy. Nevertheless, it is essential to remember that, above all else, your priority should be you: take care of yourself. The added workload of part-time employment can lead to overwork and burnout if you’re not careful, so it is always important to remind yourself to relax and to dedicate time to that relaxation.

Hopefully - regardless of whether you’ve never had a part-time job before or are changing positions in the new term - this blog has provided some helpful hints that you may not have previously been aware of. Part-time work can be immensely rewarding, even as it poses certain difficulties and challenges along the way. But, really, a part-time job is more than simply being work: it’s the opportunity to meet new friends, make new connections, gain experience for the future or to earn some extra income.