20 March 2017
In February Lancaster University was honoured to host a workshop bringing together EPSRC’s latest crop of Living With Environmental Change Fellows, writes Dr. Jess Davies.

These fellowships aim to support the next generation of research leaders focused on adapting to and mitigating against climate change, and develop the use of digital technologies in meeting this challenge. This was the first of a planned series of fellowship meetings to take place over the next 5 years to explore the interconnections between this exciting and varied new programme of research. The fellows are tackling issues from carbon capture, urban food growing, and travel behaviours to sustainable soils, flood resilience, and healthy drinking water.

There was much to discuss – although we have a diverse set of skills and interests, the connections between the sustainability and resilience challenges posed by climate change is strong. The Storey Institute, with its history of arts and education, provided a great creative backdrop for inspiring connections between our research and learning from each other’s techniques.

The workshop also provided an opportunity to discuss Lancaster’s interdisciplinary approach to ‘living with environmental change’ research, including the innovative new links between the Data Science Institute and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology focused on creating data science for the environment; and the Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business’s approach to bringing science and business together to co-create sustainable solutions.

Lancaster University is home to two of these prestigious fellowships. Prof. Gordon Blair holds a Senior Fellowship focused on digital technologies and environmental change, and Dr Jess Davies holds an Early Career Environmental Challenge Fellowship focused on the value and resilience of soil ecosystems.